Tuesday, September 6, 2011

liebster blog award

foremost, my thanks to KM, the extraordinary lady and author of more than seXy for giving me such an awesome award. what i like most of her writings/stories is-- its inspiring, so if you want to get inspired and learn more on her stories i encourage you to visit her blog.

now, about this Liebster Blog  ... Liebster means "favourite" in German.  Recipients of this award are entrusted to link back to the one who has kindly granted it (in this case, me!), as well as the task to pass it to five bloggers who have less than 200 followers so as to spread the word.

And now, without further ado, allow me to present this award to my fellow blogger buddies who deserve as much exposure as any blogger out there:

lady  in purple - the journey called L.I.F.E
adminbuddy - itsyourchoice101

1 comment:

  1. congrats girl! I receive one from KM too...

    by the way, I think you forget to put KM's link in this post... hehehe
